Java Development Environment Notes
Here is a list of some Java Development tools and environments
you may want to use.
Some of these are Windows specific, others will work under Linux.
This is available on the CD that comes with the class textbook.
It is Windows specific.
It is not installed on the lab machines, but can be installed on your U: drive.
When you run the install .exe file, it will ask for what folder to install it on.
Don't use the default, which is the C: drive.
Use the Browse button to select or create a testpad folder on your U: drive.
After the install, you can start it by double-clicking on the .exe in the folder.
I have a slide show about the process of using Textpad
to create simple applications.
This is a zipped Powerpoint file. If you don't have Powerpoint,
viewers are available from
Using Java tools from the command prompt
You can use the compiler and runtime tools directly and edit the code
using whatever editor you want.
The example here is specific to the DeVry Windows environment as supplied on the labs.
But it can be modified to work for other Windows installations or even Linux.
I have a slide show about this
for creating simple applications.
This is a zipped Powerpoint file. If you don't have Powerpoint,
viewers are available from
Symantec Visual Cafe
This is a Windows commercial environment.
I have a slide show about the process of using
Cafe to create simple applications.
This is a zipped Powerpoint file. If you don't have Powerpoint,
viewers are available from
SUN ONE Environment
This is a Windows commercial environment.
I have a slide show about the process of using
SUN ONE to create simple applications.
This is a zipped Powerpoint file. If you don't have Powerpoint,
viewers are available from
If you want a simple IDE to use, you should consider the
BlueJ compiler, which was developed as a teaching tool at
Several universities.
BlueJ is easy to use, although it is admittedly a little quirky.
First install JDK1.3 or later version on your PC.
You can install it from the
the Sun site.
Next, download
and install BlueJ from their website
Directions can be found there.
I have a slide show about the process of using
BlueJ to create simple applications.
This is a zipped Powerpoint file. If you don't have Powerpoint,
viewers are available from
Additional installation directions can be found
Using Linux
Eclipse runs under Linux and so does BlueJ.
The usage information above should be pretty close to
the same.
You can also run java from the command line, much like the
command prompt notes above.
Under Linux, you can do this pretty easily.
You will need a Java JDK.
If one is not installed, there are several available.
Try this sites:
Suns Linux JDK
Blackdown Linux JDK