Flow Control and Expressions


There are several kinds of control structures in C++. There are the IF, WHILE, DO and FOR loops. There is also the conditional expression.

If statements

We have already seen an if statement. The general form is

if(expression) statement; else statement;

First let's look at the expression.
C++ expressions

In control structures, an expression is anything that evaluates to either true or false. As we have seen, there are two definitions of truth and false. The first and older one is that 0 (zero) is false and any non-zero integer is true. The other one is the use of bool variables which have the values true or false. The integer definition is more flexible and is used in many ways. So we will look at that in more detail. We have seen that the assignment operator has a value. If you have the expression, a=b, then the value of the expression is b. In an if statement,
if(a=b) cout << "true";
will print true if the value of the expression is true. Since the value of a=b is the value of b, this expression is true if b is non-zero. The fact about assignment is used often in C++ to set a value and check it at the same time. A simple example is to save the value of an expression and check the value. If we subtract one variable from another, we can save the value and do something special.

if( (c=a-b) > 1)
   cout << "a and b are more than one apart" << c << endl;

The expression part subtracts b from a and copies the value to c. Since the value of the assignment is the right hand side, we then check the value stored in c with 1 and if it is greater than 1, we print the message.

There are a number of comparison operators in C++
Operator Meaning
= assignment
== comparison
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to>
!= not equal

These all assume that the values being compared are integers or floats or can be treated as a number. There are also a number of logical operators.
Operator Meaning
&& and
|| (2 vertical bar characters) or
! (exclamation point) not

These can be combined in many ways.
int a, b,c;
if ( (a < 6) && (b > 7) )
   cout << "case 1 " << endl;
if ( (a < 6) || (b < 7) )
   cout << "case 2 " << endl;
if ( ( (a < 6) && (b < 7 ) || ( (c -b < a) && !c ) )
    cout << "case 3 " << endl;

It is important to remember that in these cases, we use the fact that zero is false and anything else is true. Typically the value of a comparison operator is either 0 or 1.
Also be careful, there is a big difference between && and &. The single ampersand means do a bit wise logical and.
It is important to be careful about the use of the braces in an if statement. First a little general discussion of scoping and code blocks and then some if statement problems.

Scoping and code blocks

Variables in computer languages can have their visibility controlled. If you imagine a program as a room, variables and other objects can be seen from some parts of the room and not others. There are two general kinds of scoping, local and global. Consider this little program.

int real_global;
int main() {
    int pretty_global;

The variable real_global is visible, that means it can be read or written from all parts of the program. The variable pretty_global can only be used inside the main function. For now, this is the same thing. We will see later that these are different. C++ allows the user to create variables inside any code block. A code block is any group of statements between two curly braces {}. Variables created inside a code block are local to that code block and are not visible outside it.

Now some if statement problems. Consider this if statement.

   if(a == b)
      cout << "a == b" << endl;
   cout << " a > b" << endl;
cout << "all done" << endl;

What does this do if a = 3 and b = 4?
It prints

a > b.
all done

This is because the else is attached to the closest if and indentation and white space has nothing to do with it.
Now, what if a = 4 and b = 3? It prints

all done.

This is because if there are no braces, then there is only one statement that is part of the block after the if or the else. To fix this, we use braces to make it clear to the compiler what we mean. This is like using parenthesis to make the meaning of expressions clear.

if(a<b) {
   if(a == b)
      cout << "a == b" << endl;
   cout << " a > b" << endl;
cout << "all done" << endl;

If you want more than one line of code in the statement part of an if statement, use braces. Some people always put braces on both the if and else blocks even if there is only one line. This is because it is common to find you have to add something to one of these blocks as the program development progresses and a common mistake is to just add the statement, forgetting that the compiler doesn't notice the indentation.


The if statement allows us to choose between two pieces of code to execute. Some times we want to repeat the same piece of code several times. These are called loops. The first loop structure we will look at is the while loop.
The structure looks like

while(expression) statement;

The statement part can be one or more actual statements. So, if there is one statement, it looks like

while (a < b)
cout << a << endl;

If there are several statements

while( a<b) {
    cout << a << endl;
    a += 3;
} // end while

The evaluation of the expression is done at the top of the loop, so if the expression is false, it won't run the loop even once.

Do loops
These are much like while loops, only the evaluation is done at the end. The general form is

do statement; while (expression);

The statement is done at least once since we don't check until the bottom of the loop.

For loops
For loops are for running a loop a fixed number of times. The form is

for(expr; expr2; expr3)statement

The first expression is the initialization. Examples include i=0, int i=6. The second expression is the test expression. If it is true, then we do this time through the loop. The third expression is the increment. It is commonly i++.


The ++ operator is a unary increment operator. It is a kind of shorthand in C++ for incrementing by one. For example, i++ means the same thing as i=i+1. But it is an expression rather than a statement. There is a subtly to its evaluation that will come up later. There is also a -- operator.

For example,
for(int i=0; i < 10; i++)
   cout << i << endl;
This starts by creating an i variable and setting it to 0. Since 0 < 10, we run the body of the loop and 0 is printed. Then we do the increment and i becomes 1. We check again and 1 is < 10 so we print 1. and so on. After we print 9, i is incremented to 10. 10 is not less then 10 so we don't do the body of the loop. So this prints 0-9. This loop is equivalent to the while loop

int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
   cout << i << endl;
} // endwhile

You can leave off parts of the for loop. For example, if we already have a variable counter used for something and now we want to use it a loop variable, we can skip the initialization.

for( ; counter < 20; counter++)

We could also leave off the increment is we were doing different increments

for (; counter < 20;) {
if (counter == 15)
   counter *= 2;
} // end

We can even leave off the comparison if we have another way to exit the loop. We can also combine several loops together This will loop changing i and j at the same time.

for(int i = 0, int j = 10; i< 10, j > 0; i++,j--) {
   cout << i << " " << j << endl;

Infinite loops
Sometimes you want a loop that runs forever. This is done differently for different kinds of loops

for(;;) { cout << "forever" << endl;}
while(true) { cout << "forever" << endl;}
do { cout << "forever" << endl;| while(true);

Getting out of a loop
Now that your stuck in a loop, you can get out a couple of ways. The best way is to do a break. So in a forever loop

while(true) {
   if( X < 25) break;
} // endwhile

This will stop if X = 25. This works on the other loops as well.

You can skip to the next iteration by using the continue statement.
The continue will go back to the top of the loop. in a while or do, this cause the expression to be evaluated. In a for loop it causes the increment to be done.